Quality and Regulatory Support
& Qualified Person Services
Well established quality system in place, all services related with release of final drug products within EU, UK and US.
- Quality system in line with requirements from different territories (US, EU, China, Japan, Australia)
- Flexible overall GMP training and project specific training
- Quality Representative (single contact with backup) for Quality related tasks
- Readiness to support Client in different areas (technology transfer, supplier and material evaluation, regulatory submissions, region-related specifics)
- Mature documentation system in place
- On-site audit readiness
- Transparent Quality System – Quality Management Review, Quality Events trending.
- Electronic Quality Systems and Quality Document Management platform in place (Veeva)
- Segregated virtual space for products / projects related content
- Sharing and approval of project specific documents with clients
- ATMP specialized Qualified Persons and auditing
- Quality Management System design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation
- Regulatory authority interactions (e.g. EMA, FDA, VHP procedure, Scientific advice meetings, Orphan drug designation process)
- CMC (IMPD Module 3) preparation and review
- Stability study design
- National cells and tissue legal framework advise
- EU GMO approvals
- Support of international cooperation network of qualified and regularly monitored
cell-collection sites - Laboratory computer systems validation